Saturday, December 7, 2013

English is the Key

                English? Bridge? How come they are connected with each other?
                At first thought, yes, it is impossible that the word “English” can be connected to the word “Bridge.” But as we dig deeper t its main idea, we can realize that these two words can merge together and can form one ideal thought.
                English is the most popular and most used language in the whole world. Merely all countries had already learned on how to speak English. And if you ask me on what are the importance of learning this language, I can tell you the main reason for that. That is because English serves as the bridge so that different people s with different languages can adapt English so that they can not only communicate with each other but they can also understand each other’s thoughts and ideas on the topic they are talking about.

                And the reason why our theme for this year is “Going Global Through English Language” is because they want us to use English so that even if we travel around the globe, English will still be our guide in meeting our goals in life.

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