Saturday, December 7, 2013

What Christmas Should Be

The Philippines is known as the “Land of Fiestas” at Christmas time, this is especially true. We Filipinos are proud to proclaim our Christmas celebration as the longest and merriest in the world. It begins formally on December 16 up to 24, until the first Sunday of January – the official end of the season.
Extravagant symbols are being put up. Christmas trees of different sizes, Christmas balls, Christmas lights and lanterns, and many more. Caroling here and there. Buying gifts for loved ones like clothes and shoes. All are busy.
Christmas Eve in our country is one of the traditions most families celebrate. It is a night without sleep, preparing abundant foods to be served after the mass. These foods include lechon, hamon, pancit, spaghetti, macaroni, barbecue and cake.
What is Christmas anyway? It comes from the Mass of Christ. A Mass Service is where Christians remember that Jesus came down for us. The manger scene is actually the reason why we celebrate the season. It immortalizes the true story about the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world on the Messiah.
Christmas should be simple, as where Jesus was born. Share our time, talent and treasures to the needy as the three wise men did. Show our great love not only to those who love us, but even to those who do not. And above all to give thanks to the reason of the season.

With one heart, let us lower down our celebration, but LEVEL UP the Christmas Spirit itself.
As The Weather Changes …

                Weather is blue skies and puffy white clouds; torrential rains with gale force winds; twisters ; flashes of lightning or snow gently falling to the ground.
                The weather, or climate as some people say, is the state of the atmosphere at any given time, it is experienced everywhere on Earth, it varies considerably from place to place, day to day, and season to season.
                But there is also a time when our climate is abnormal. For example, it rains during summer and the sun shines brightly during winter which causes glaciers and icebergs to melt. This is called climate change. All of the things we do that destroys destroys the environment can contribute to it. The most famous cause of climate change is global warming.

                If we want to still save Mother Earth, we must make a pledge that we must not do anything that destroys it. Because if our climate will be still changing, we don’t know what will happen in the future. 
English is the Key

                English? Bridge? How come they are connected with each other?
                At first thought, yes, it is impossible that the word “English” can be connected to the word “Bridge.” But as we dig deeper t its main idea, we can realize that these two words can merge together and can form one ideal thought.
                English is the most popular and most used language in the whole world. Merely all countries had already learned on how to speak English. And if you ask me on what are the importance of learning this language, I can tell you the main reason for that. That is because English serves as the bridge so that different people s with different languages can adapt English so that they can not only communicate with each other but they can also understand each other’s thoughts and ideas on the topic they are talking about.

                And the reason why our theme for this year is “Going Global Through English Language” is because they want us to use English so that even if we travel around the globe, English will still be our guide in meeting our goals in life.

“Each one of us is an island unto himself, and the bridges that lead to other people have been destroyed by conflicts of races, sex and self-interest” said James Baldwin.
                Each one of us have rights and opportunities that are exactly the same as the other people of this nation. But there are those people who feel that they are more superior than others. We can see managers sometimes that talk harshly to his or her employees. In addition,there are also bosses that chooses his or her family members and relatives instead of the better one during job openings. The act so called bullying is very popular in the whole world because of its immorality and brutality. By the situations enumerated, we can determine that these are some ways on how to remove the rights and opportunities of an individual.

                But, we can still stand a chance just to attain the rights and opportunities of each and every one of us. Because our respect to one another is the key to everyone’s success.